Sunday, February 24, 2013

Welcome to the University of Ithra, An Tir Blog!

From such beginnings, by Royal Decree, and by the powers vested in them, the University of Ithra grants you learning opportunities!

We are here to share resources, make connections, and delight in learning about the Current Middle Ages, as well as the *actual* middle ages.  It is our aim to grow the University of Ithra's campuses and increase learning and sharing of our skills and knowledge. We hope you have an opportunity to read, contribute, and learn from this blog, as well as to find out more about upcoming events!

Don't forget to also check out the Facebook page!
Don't know why the address is so complicated.  If anyone knows how to make these things better/shorter, please let me know.
Alternatively, from your Facebook account, search for "University of Ithra" and it should pop right up.

Hope to see you again soon!